Counseling & Clinical Support Services

Additional Supports and Related Services


The role of the school behaviorist is to collaborate with the faculty in designing a welcoming and encouraging learning environment that supports both academic and behavioral progress. Additionally, the behaviorist works closely with students to identify and modify any problematic behavior using a range of strategies. Together with the student's team of teachers and other staff, the behaviorist helps develop individualized behavior plans aimed at fostering the student's full potential, particularly during challenging times


The shepherding program aims to assist students who face difficulties in maintaining regular attendance at school due to various factors such as anxiety and school avoidance. Our dedicated staff members visit the student's home to work with them and provide motivation and encouragement to attend school. The team collaborates with the student to develop a personalized program that addresses their specific needs and helps them overcome their attendance challenges. Throughout the process, our staff remains committed to offering ongoing support until the student achieves consistent attendance.

Occupational Therapy

The certified occupational therapist sees students one on one or in small groups in a dedicated therapy space. The occupational therapist works on the student's individual goals and objectives to promote student success in the school setting. The occupational therapy room integrates sensory and physical activities. The therapist works closely with the classroom teachers to provide interventions in the classroom and sensory diets when necessary. The therapy room is available throughout the day to provide sensory breaks.

Speech Therapy

The certified speech therapist provides service to students with speech and language difficulties in an individual and/or a small group setting. The students work on their individualized goals including articulation, fluency, receptive and expressive language, pragmatic and social language and auditory and language processing. The therapist provides activities that are of high interest to each student to promote the successful progression of skills.